Experimental High Energy Physics Researcher and Data Scientist
photo credit: Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc
Matthew is a research scientist in experimental high energy physics and data science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Data Science Institute (a “data physicist”). He works as a member of the ATLAS collaboration on searches for physics beyond the standard model with experiments performed at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. He also serves on the executive board of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) where he is a researcher and the Analysis Systems Area lead. He is also a topical editor for physics and data science for the Journal of Open Source Software. He previously did his Ph.D. (2019) research at Southern Methodist University, also on the ATLAS experiment, in searches for high momentum low mass resonances decaying to two b-quarks and produced in association with a jet, and was a postdoc at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign focusing on di-Higgs physics.
Python, C++
Data Analysis
Particle Physics with focus on high momentum states
Image: Blender model and render of charged particle tracks in a cloud chamber. Credit: Henry Gale